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Once you have placed your order you will be contacted by e-mail to confirm your order. For your protection, red bottom shoes insures and registers all items for their full value.

Order Confirmation and Tracking:
Once you place your order by clicking on the "Checkout" button, you will see the order confirmation page and an e-mail containing your red bottom shoes
 order number will be sent to you. If you do not receive the confirmation email, Contact us by email at [email protected] Or Contact us via live chat with a fashion specialist.

Orders usually ships in about 1~5 days, once your order has been shipped, an e-mail will be sent to you within the next 24 hours reflecting that your order has been shipped with tracking numbers. It will indicate which carrier was used and a method of tracking the order to your door. The shipping time is about 4~7 days.

Delivery is guaranteed. In the event that your package is lost or seized we will reship once at our expense. We will mark the goods as a gift to you so that you needn't to pay the import tax or duty charged to your package.


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