replica handbag,shoes news review Registered On 2014-05-19,the domain Register address is on Usa Redwood City,but the all the replica items are sent from china,the main products are Louis Vuitton,Gucci.Hermes,Dior replica handbags,wallets.

payment methods:Western Union (10% off), Bank Transfer (10% off)

handbags price rank $150-$200

Return & Exchange

As a Company,  we have built our business on Quality for Money and Customer Satisfaction. It is our aim to provide the BEST QUALITY REPLICA PRODUCTS for the BEST PRICE. However, sometimes a return or an exchange is necessary and our company is built upon customer satisfaction and trust therefore will be happy to accept your goods back should they be faulty in any way.

To take advantage of our return and exchange policy, please contact us within 15 days upon the delivery date.

Return Guideline

1. Please contact us to get a Return Authorization and Return Address within 15 days upon receipt.

2. All items must be returned in unused/unworn condition.  Please return the original package with complete attachments including pamphlet, tag, dust bag, case,etc.

3. If items are in the following condition, you may return the item within 15 days after you received it.

    a. Quality issue
    b. Totally damaged during the shipment

   We will refund to your card the full cost of your purchase after received your return parcel in Good Undamaged Condition. Any postal costs which we are happy to cover with a voucher which can be used towards another purchase.


4.Due to below for customer's personal reasons, you would like to return the back. We are sorry you need to pay for 20% restocking fee and shipping cost. So please complete your order carefully

    a. Not interested any more for the product.
    b. Mistake order by customer side  
    c. Wrong or incomplete shipping address provided by customer.
    d. Parcel return due to nobody at home to sign it.


Exchange Guideline

1. Please contact us to get a Exchange Authorization and Return Address within 15 days upon receipt.

2. All items must be returned in unused/unworn condition. Please return the original package with complete attachments including pamphlet, tag, dust bag, case,etc.

3. If the products you receive have some quality problems, please email pictures to us and we can arrange for an Unconditional Exchange Authorisation without additional costs to you.

4. If the products don't come up to expectation and you feel you would have preferred another item please contact us for an Exchange Authorisation but you must pay the shipping charges back and forth.

5. All items can be exchange for different price replacements. Pay or Refund the price difference. Please be aware that we will issue the replacements only after your returns have been received.

Any further questions please feel free to contact with us on:[email protected]

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