replica handbag,shoes news review  created:2013-12-12,there are many replica brand handbags on the site,but there is not any logo on the bags,and the price is expensive than other replica sites site description:Best Selling Wholesale Replica Handbags and Purses. Great low prices on Replica Bags and Replica Wallets and other Fashion Accessories.


What products do you offer?
 Factory Wholesale Handbags offers a wide variety of handbags and wallets of latest trend and

style. Our handbag and wallet collection features classic and new styles suitable for any



Do you have fake, replica or knockoff  bags?
 No. We offer genuine leather handbags. Fake, replicas and knockoffs are not part of our



How are your products constructed?
 At Factory Wholesale Handbags, we assure our clients that we provide them with the best

quality of handbags and wallets for less. We use high quality and genuine leather in all



How can I order?
 After choosing your item of choice from our website, assign the quantity and click on ?�Add to

Cart?� and it will automatically be placed in ?�Your Cart?�.


What are your wholesale prices?
 Factory Wholesale Handbags developed a wholesale program that is desired to meet all client's

expectations, whatever their volume purchase. The more products you purchase the higher

discount you get per item.

QTY 1 refers to purchasing of 1 item, and you will be billed on the basis of our wholesale


QTY 2 refers to purchasing of 2 items, and you will be billed on the basis of more attractive

wholesale prices.

QTY 3+ refers to purchasing of 3 items and more, and you will be billed on the basis of our

most aggressive wholesale prices.

You Can Mix and Match Any Models, Colors or Style You Don't Have To Buy The Same Products.


How much is the shipping charge?
 Shipping Rates are as follows:

Shipping Rates for Bags:
 1 bag = $22.00 each
 2 bags = $15.00 each
 3 ?C 50 bags = $14.00 each

Shipping Rates for Wallets:
 1 wallet = $5.00 each
 2 wallets = $4.00 each
 3 ?C 50 wallets = $3.00 each


What carriers do you use to ship my order?
 Depending on the country of destination, we usually use EMS and FEDEX to deliver our products

door to door. Please visit Track My Orders page to view the tracking websites for EMS



How long will it take to receive my order?
 It usually takes 5 to 7 days to receive the products after the order has been placed. You also

have the option to have an expedited shipping for faster delivery. Make sure that the correct

shipping details have been provided to avoid delay on the delivery.



What are the payment options?
 We accept different kinds of payment options with our secure shopping environment as we use a

128-bit Network Solutions SSL encryption and VeriSign Secured Certification. You have the

option to pay via credit card, Western Union or PayPal.


What shall I do if I have not received my order after seven days?
 Kindly contact our Customer Service Department at [email protected] so we can

investigate on the delay of the delivery.


What do I do if there has been a defect or damage on my order?
 Please contact our Customer Service Department within 48 hours to resolve the problem. You may

also refer to our Return/Exchange policy.


Will you be able to ship to a different address other than the billing address?
 Yes, kindly provide this information properly when you order.


What is your Return Policy?
 Any discrepancy/damage in your order, please contact our Customer Service Department at

[email protected] within 48 hours. We will review your order and rest assured

we will provide you with the best solution.


Where can I view my order history?
After you make a purchase, your order details will be stored in an account that you may login

and it will provide you details if your order has been shipped or still pending. You may visit

the Track My Orders page to check the status of your order.


What if my questions were still not answered?
 For further inquiries, kindly visit our Contact Us page, and we will answer all your questions

between 12 to 24 hours.

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