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How to spot the fake COACH purses

How to spot the fake COACH purses

Designer Coach bags are often replicated and Coach bags are no exception. Knowing how to spot the fake coach purses can be extremely helpful if you're looking to purchase a Coach purse elsewhere.

You wouldn't think anyone would bother to make fake COACH bags because the originals are relatively inexpensive - at least compared to other high-fashion bags such as Prada, LV, etc.  But as you know, people will do anything to make a quick buck.  Fake COACH bags are a little difficult to spot, but here are some tips based on my personal experiences and observations:

1 Determine if the deal is too good to be true. Coach bags are expensive, even used bags can still be a bit pricey. If a new coach bag is selling for very cheap, that's a good sign that it's a fake.

2 Don't trust any site said COACH Official Site except .there are many replica coach site said they are the COACH Official Site and factory site

3 Signature fabric:  The "C" pattern will be crooked.  Except for some newer patterns, like the "optic" or my new favorite "scarf print," the tip of the horizontal "C" facing the other "C" should touch.  Also, the pattern should line up and start in the center of the front panel of the bag.  The center seam should go straight down through the middle of the CC's, and the pattern should be aligned horizontally and vertically.  Also, the pattern should line up on any front or back pockets, so that it looks like there is no break in the pattern.  (Note: Sometimes the pattern does not line up on side seams as this is nearly impossible to do.)  The best way to tell is to go to the COACH website and look at the real thing, and then compare it to what you're looking at on eBay and see if the pattern is different.  Sometimes the "CC" will actually be a "GG" - how much more obvious can you get!  And no, this does not mean it's a Gucci!  (I'm not as familiar with Gucci products, but if someone is selling you a "COACH" bag which is imprinted with the letter "G" then logically it must be fake.)

4 Look for labels. Labels are commonly found on the hardware, outside of the bag, and on the inside of the bag. Looking at pictures from the Coach website of the bag you want will help you determine where the labels should be on that particular bag. If the bag is missing a label where one should be it is a fake

5  Authenticity:  Take note if there is absolutely no mention that the bag is authentic!  If so, ask the seller to verify that they are offering an authentic product.  If they fail to respond to your request, this may be a sign that they don't want to incriminate themselves.  But be careful!  Just because the seller claims it's authentic does not mean that it is.

if you sitll want the replica coach bags,just go to or .there are many replica coach handbags but cheaper than the fake  COACH Official Site


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