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How To Wear in The Fall

When I was a teenager, I do not dress like my peers. My grandmother was a very fashionable lady and my inspiration, my mother's style of her own unique feeling, so I ended up mixing dressed in between. When all of my peers are wearing bell bottom jeans, sneakers and scrunchies, I wore slacks, high heels and button press sweater.
I prefer to dress like I'm a fashion magazine model than I like my peers. Except when it comes to high-necked sweater! I would not be caught dead in a high-necked shirt, made me well into my 20s.
Fortunately, I have now realized that this autumn / winter short, I am very pleased to see that turtleneck is a big trend this season!
Here are just a few fashionable sweater, I have my eyes ......
Fashion turtleneck is a great multi-purpose project, because you can wear with any bottom. Tight jeans and jogging pants, shorts and skirts from. They are easy to dress up like chunky jewelry, sweaters or cloak (another big decline) accessories.
I like cozy turtleneck paired with tight-fitting scarves, especially a nice, comfortable plaid scarf.
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