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Designer Replica Handbags on Ebay

Several sellers offer high end, designer handbags that are "guaranteed" authentic. What I have found and learned after purchasing 4 "guaranteed" authentic designer handbags on ebay is that if the price seems too good to be true, it is!

I would like to share a couple of lessons I learned with some of my fellow, newer ebayers. After researching on the internet I found a few companies that actually reproduce designer handbags using the exact materials and quality as the designers. This makes it nearly impossible for someone, even a reputable dealer to spot the differences. I purchased a LV purse for several hundred dollars from a seller with a good reputation. I had emailed her a few times before the auction ended to just get her to assure me it was completely authentic. She put my mind at ease.

After having it inspected by a qualified expert, I was informed that it was in fact a fake LV. I immediately emailed this individual. No response. I emailed several times response. I obtained her contact information which was inaccurate. I PAID BY CASHIERS CHECK! That was my first mistake. You are not protected in any way. Long story short, I am out hundreds of dollars and all I have to show for it is a fake LV.

Since I am a slow learner, I purchased another high end designer purse off of ebay from a seller with 100% feedback. This purse appeared perfect in every way. After a few months, I purchased another but, this time from a high end department store. After comparing the two handbags, I noticed a very slight difference. Everything else including the material was the same. It was amazing. Some replicas are really very close in quality to the real thing. They come with the authenticity cards, dust covers, etc. The slight difference was one of the small letters was not in the same font.  Keep in mind that fakes usually copy the serial numbers from real handbags.

When I've sold a couple of used designer handbags on ebay, I provided my cell number and the opportunity for the individual to have it authenticated for their own piece of mind. If a seller has a no paypal accepted, no return policy for an authentic piece, you may just want to run the other way. Some sellers have stated that they buy their discounted designer handbags from a reputable wholesaler. Again, I researched this and designers don't have "reputable wholesalers" and they DO NOT SELL TO INDIVIDUAL EBAY SELLERS. The designers sell to retailers only and do not want their designer bags wholesaled out on ebay.

If you are planning on purchasing a brand new, high end designer purse on ebay, please take into consideration the seller's location, type of payment, the seller's feedback, their return policy and their professional affiliations.

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