replica handbag,shoes news

Coach replica handbags are especially

A lot of Coach replica purses are pretty irresistible. This American designer sure has set themselves apart from the pack with some of their fabulous designs, but none are as fabulous and unique as the famous Coach patchwork tote. Combining chic style with a funky, bohemian vibe, the patchwork tote is perfect for the fashionista like me who sometimes finds the standard luxury purses can get a little stuffy. These beauties are anything but stuffy. They are fabulous, elegant, quirky, stylish, luxurious, and fun, all at the same time. Yes, it's painfully obvious that I have a bit of a crush on this bag, and you will too once I'm finished with you.

As you might already know, I also have a major soft spot for anything that reps my (spiritual) home of New York City, and this bag does just that. Coach was founded in a loft in Manhattan in 1941, and their bags--especially the patchwork tote--exude this spirit to a tee. The myriad of shapes and colors stitched together gives a distinctly urban bohemian feel to an otherwise chic and sophisticated bag. Incorporating a variety of luxurious materials, this bag is high-end without taking itself too seriously.

• Suede
• Denim
• Canvas
• Various shades and textures of leather

Just like the Big Apple, this bag is quite literally a patchwork of aesthetics and textures--suede, leather, canvas, and of course Coach's signature monogram jacquard fabric--yet altogether it manages to have a unified feel, just like NYC. It's an extremely dynamic design without being messy or overwrought. Coach is now offering a number of fabulous variations on the classic patchwork tote that vary in color intensity depending on how wildly adventurous you feel.

Coach replica purses are especially interesting because unlike the bulk of the luxury handbag world, they are distinctly American. Their prices are more accessible to a wider variety of consumers, yet they're still high enough to warrant the label of "high-end" They exude luxury and upscale chic without being too hoity-toity about it. And none of Coach's bags embody these unique characteristics more perfectly than the Coach patchwork tote. What other bag is this luxurious, but at the same time is this fun, funky, and bohemian? There's no wonder so many of the hippest ladies--in New York and elsewhere--want these babies on their arms.

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