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Brand Handbags, you do not entertainment?


Do you know who takes the brand handbag every day? Unless they are bankers in Manhattan, they may not need. Workplaces, and other places that have become increasingly casual over the past few decades.
In this case,
Most people only need a brand handbag for a special occasion - weddings, interviews - and almost no one needs a $ 3,000 brand handbag. So luxury brand handbag brand in 2017 more and more desperate. Like, desperate, they would hire the guy behind Instagram's meme to walk in the runway show. FuckJerry, we will be his real name is Elliot Tebele, from here, walking in Ermenegildo Zegna's autumn and winter 2017 series.

Of course, followers suspected Zegna and FuckJerry fans overlap. An angry guy wrote, "The brand that blown away no longer knows their audience, and it does seem to be a disconnect between the powerful world of Zegna's Italian-branded handbag and the followers of Tebele.

But should Zegna be accused of becoming involved in what's becoming the industry's broadest trend? Brand is more willing to social media to bring the famous model of eye transactions integrity. Creative directors because of a popular name, without taking into account what the new audience, they will attract.

In this case,

Best of all, the most likely scenario is that people who spend $ 3,000 on a brand handbag do not follow Meme's account, so do not even know what's going crazy. No injuries, no fouls. The worst case scenario is that the brand does not seem to be in contact and is willing to do some publicity - a real all-news is good news mentality and takes time and effort in the wrong place.

Rather than pursuing Tebele - who clearly did not share Zegna news into his main Instagram - the brand should be in the ultra-luxury world it has already been in which to pull a Hermes branded handbag brand really, really, really rich people. Or trying to destroy the market in another way - essentially innovation. Adding FuckJerry to something that does not work is not a winning recipe.

Zegna's Internet-related swing is not as high-risk as Brioni's Instagram street-style star Justin O'Shea's recruiting. O'Shea, a trade buyer, was appointed Creative Director at the beginning of 2016, only six months after his duties were released. O'Shea talked about the "pimp", so Metallica Brioni in the movement to become a star, and by using Kanye goods used in the old English font to write the name to update the logo. All of this is cruel.

Like almost any brand that attempts to sell these days, somrthing brand handbag labels must try to remain relevant. Berluti hired design stars Haider Ackerman, while Prada and other brands continue to repeat the whole idea of ​​brand handbags: the latest series of Italian brands suggest the use of brown corduroy - this is the tendency of trend forecasters to predict the trend, we talked about making brand handbags "more human Simpler, truer, "label designer Miuccia Prada told Vogue.

Others are jumping to the current trend and themselves into a more comfortable wardrobe. Mr. Porter's senior purchasing manager Sam Lobban thinks the brand handbag has changed "by being more casual," he said. "Prada such a brand, in the brand handbags packaging, has a unique brand of beauty related to sports, Prada is such a brand to do so.For example, Prada handbags - this is custom, but very modern and interesting .
In this case,
Mr. Porter is also committed to addressing customers' new buying preferences in retail. "Our business grew very fast when it comes to brand handbag separation," Lobban said. "Men do not use it as a pair of purchases, but rather as a segmentation, they have greater flexibility in size. Of course, this way customers can buy a jacket and track with those previously mentioned. With the model, customers can have their cake and also eat it.

Then there is Demet Gvasalia of Vetements, who is experimenting with boxy brand handbags, making you look like a henchman in Balenciaga's villain. Lobban said: "I do not think brand handbags in the extreme sense will flow down, but it may produce an effect to proportion and fit fashion customers.This is the trend of the brand handbags world began many ways: Lobban will Balenciaga Brand handbags with Raf Simons and Hedi Slimane in the late 90s and early 2000s show contraction of the brand compared to the mainstream taste has never been so thin, but the brand handbags certainly tighter. Perhaps the future is not Balenciaga huge, but the ratio is certainly due to Variety.

The answer, as always, is to keep up with the customer's clothing needs, not the people they care about in Instagram.

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